Tiger Bella Bodywork & Massage Therapy, LLC

Massage Policy


For each appointment, a confirmation and a reminder is sent via email-Massagebook. If you did not receive a confirmation please reach out to the business. 

New first-time clients are asked to arrive 5-10 minutes early. This allows time to fill out the appropriate client forms and to do a short consultation.

Please arrive at your massage appointment with proper hygiene and a wellness check before leaving your home.

Sick clients are not allowed to have treatment and will be required to call out 12 hours in advance to reschedule. Failure to cancel will result in a same-day cancellation penalty of 50%

Please provide at least a 72-hour notice if you need to reschedule or cancel a treatment. This gives us enough time to fill the slot. You are welcome to make changes at that time, so please pay attention to voicemails, emails, or texts from us. Late Cancellation or same-day cancellation for a first-time offense is a warning. For the second offense, 50% of your service is needed to book for a following appointment. 

We regret that late arrivals will not receive an extension of time. of scheduled appointments.-

Clients who do not show up for their appointment and do not give the therapist a call, text, or email after 30 minutes into the session. The client is required to pre-pay for future sessions and penalty of 50% for no-show and no-call.

Your massage therapy records are kept in the strictest confidence by this clinic. All client records are kept in a secure place and only those who need to see a client’s file for legitimate business or professional purposes have access to them. Your records will not be released to third parties, including healthcare providers and insurance companies without your written consent. Records may be surrendered if required by law.

Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Suggestive comments, sexual innuendos, and inappropriate touching of a massage therapist will result in the termination of the massage session and the client will not be allowed to return for further massages. Our full fee will be expected.

Lotions and perfumes are not recommended before massage therapy as they can interfere with the lotions, creams, or oils used for the massage treatment session. If you have an allergy to any lotion, cream, oil, etc., or if you require a special product, please let us know before your session. You are welcome to bring with you a preferred lotion, cream, or oil.

If the client is a child (younger than 18 years old), we will ask a parent or guardian to sit in on the treatment. The parent or guardian will be asked to fill out a consent form for the minor before the session begins.